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Revere Advanced Plus-Minus Card Counting System

The Revere Plus-Minus system is and advanced version of the regular plus-minus system. It was first made popular in a book called "Playing Blackjack as a Business", which was written and authored by Lawrence Revere himself. This is one of his newer systems invented in the 1980s while Revere first became well known in the 70s. Some of the Revere systems are extremely complicated and have level 3 and even level 4 indices!

The advanced plus minus count is only a level 1 (level-one or single level) system. The methods used here are very easy for beginners to learn since level I means the indexes range between (-1,0,+1) so there are only three numbers to keep track of when counting cards. This is the simplest of Revere's strategies, even though it has the word "advanced" in the name.

The index table is shown below in the chart. It displays what count values are assigned to each card type. These are the numbers you will be adding or subtracting to your mental running count. Luckily you only need to deal with only plus and minus 1 with this count.

Card Value Points
2 +1
3 +1
4 +1
5 +1
6 +1
7 0
8 0
9 -1
10 -1
J -1
Q -1
K -1
A 0

You will notice that the plus-minus system is balanced, which means when you start your count at zero, you will also end your count at zero. This is true of course when you start with a freshly shuffled deck and the dealer plays through the entire deck. This is a good property to use when you are first learning how to count cards since you can tell if you kept an accurate count for an entire deck.

The only disadvantage to this system is it was designed particularly for the single deck blackjack games. Casinos have fought back against counters by making multiple deck games, which slightly decrease your odds and makes it harder to get a good count, so the advance Revere methods and strategy is not commonly used nowadays. It works great if you do come across a 3:2 single deck game. Hear me out though; do not play at a single deck table with 6:5 blackjack odds, since these are scams that really hit the player hard in terms of bad odds.

Remember, the goal is to bet high when the count is high. This means there are larger valued cards in the deck and this benefits you more than the dealer in terms of the probability odds and advantage over the house. In turn, a low and negative count tells you to reduce your betting and wager sizes when the house has the edge since low cards give the casino better odds. This is the general rule not only with the Revere systems, but all counting systems.

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